Academic | Senior School | Ibstock Place School | Private School Near Richmond, Barnes, Putney, Kingston, Wandsworth



Ibstock inspires curious thinkers who share a thirst for knowledge.

With a learning journey as unique as each pupil, we unlock each child’s potential and provide an education that nurtures academic rigour and inquiry.

At each stage throughout the school, our pupils are supported and challenged so that they can confidently navigate our modern and globalised world.

Portrait of Chris Wolsey (Headmaster) at Ibstock Place School, a private school near Richmond, Barnes, Putney, Kingston, and Wandsworth

Chris Wolsey


Our Approach

We are committed to providing outstanding teaching for ambitious learning.

Delivering this is a team of teaching staff who are passionate about creating a stimulating, supportive and joyful learning environment.

Our pupil-centred approach ensures there are opportunities for all to strive for the next level.

Our teaching draws upon expert approaches and strategies to engage young minds. 

With a continued awareness of research and developments in teaching and learning, our framework supports deep learning, the acquisition of effective study habits and the flexibility for pupils to explore.

The excellence that we regularly see in the classroom is reflected in performance in external examinations, whilst the host of accolades which our pupils gather in other arenas shows the confidence and engagement that their Ibstock education inspires.

Our Curriculum

Informed by expertise and based on core academic principles, we give our pupils the breadth and focus to discover and develop their passions.

'Pupils' success in formal assesments and external examinations is excellent and reflects the success-driven school culture' 

ISI Report, 2022

Ibstock’s curriculum allows significant time for the Expressive Arts, Sport, and the Humanities, alongside Languages, Sciences, Maths and English. Our Foundations (PSHE) programme develops research skills and awareness and understanding of the wider world.

From Senior 7, our curriculum incorporates weekly Ethics & Rhetoric lessons, culminating in an English Speaking Board (ESB) Public Speaking qualification at the end of Senior 7 and a Debating qualification at the end of Senior 8.

To lay the foundations for communication in our global world, from the start of their Senior School journey pupils will learn French and Latin, and choose two further Modern Foreign Languages on offer from Spanish, German and Mandarin. There is further optionality for pupils in Languages, Expressive Arts and P.E/Games as they move up through the School.



A Positive Learning Environment

Praise is central to the life of the School and enhances pupil resilience and learning behaviours. Engagement, preparation and respect are all rewarded through awards and recognition.

Our positive learning environment helps to bring out the best in our pupils and supports collaboration and independence. Study skills are taught consciously and unconsciously within our programmes, with externally provided workshops at key points throughout the year.

'[Pupils are]... driven by a 'can-do' culture'

ISI Report, 2022

Our pastoral offering supports independence and responsibility through helping pupils to design their own Prep timetables, alongside regular academic reviews and target-setting. Pupils’ progress grades are shared with them every half term, and teachers work with pupils individually to set and review targets, helping them to access the support and opportunities on offer.

Subject clinics are held weekly by teaching staff, to provide opportunities for individual or small groups of pupils to access additional support with their subject, providing an ‘open door’ to those seeking additional help or stretch activities.

Super Curriculum

We delight in providing opportunities for our pupils to go beyond the curriculum.

Through competing in numerous competitions throughout the school year, our pupils have the chance to gain national recognition. From Maths Challenges to Poetry by Heart competitions, translation competitions and safe cracking and coding projects.

‘Pupils achieve well because they are relaxed within the classroom and are motivated to achieve by teaching that stretches, challenges and excites them.’
ISI Report, 2022

Many of our residential trips focus on Sport, the Arts, Humanities or Languages. 

Through our co-curricular programme, pupils can try things just for fun, and every lunchtime many pupils engage in activities as diverse as literary baking and safe cracking.

Senior pupils at the great bake of at Ibstock Place School, a private school near Richmond, Barnes, Putney, Kingston, and Wandsworth

The Ibstock Festival

As part of the Ibstock Festival, our annual Activities Weeks in the Summer term provides an opportunity for pupils to expand their experiences beyond the classroom.

Our pupils enjoyed a range of fun trips and activities ranging from the Great Ibstock Bake Off to car maintenance.


Academic Activities

Click on the tiles below to see some of our recent academic activities and achievements at Ibstock Senior School through our Instagram account @ibstocksenior.

Senior Academic FAQ

How many pupils are in a class?
Our pupils learn in classes of up to 24, however most are smaller than this. 
Do you stream pupils by ability?
Our pupils are taught in mixed-ability groups for most subjects. We do set pupils by ability in a small number of subjects including Mathematics and some languages.
How much homework is set?

Homework tasks (which we call Prep) are regularly assigned to pupils and the amount of homework increases as they move up through the Senior School. Pupils are expected to spend the allocated time fully focussed on their Prep, which allows for relaxation and other activities in the evenings.

Do you support pupils with additional learning needs?
Yes. Please view our learning support and academic mentoring page here.
What subjects are on the curriculum and what options will my child have?
Please click here to view our Senior School Curriculum Map.


Explore our Senior School